
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Walking in the Streets of the City

How do you describe a city? It is a big community of people. It is composed of a vast area of land where people chose to settle, build homes as well as buildings, move in transport systems, have a government, and earn income from businesses and employment from companies, etc. Transport systems are created as there are streets, boulevards, avenues, and trains.

Manila is a busy city. Just like other big cities around the world, people live here from all walks of life. As you walk through the streets, you can be walking with the rich and famous. Or maybe, you are walking through the tight passages of the slums, with the disfortunate people who thought that life in Manila will bring them better opportunities than tilling their own lands in the provinces.

You may be a busy professional, and may be a drinking bum in that small sari-sari store around the corner. You may be someone driving a car or, someone who takes the jeepney, or maybe the Metro Rail Transit, or just maybe that noisy Tricycle, or that Pedicab, or Kuliglig whose driver will charge you more than what you are supposed to pay a cab just to get to a few blocks away. And then maybe, you are someone who takes the Cadillacad every now and then.

Cadillacad may be something you discover to be enjoyable. Cadillacad is a coined term for walking. It has been a joke a long time ago to refer to movement by foot as many people may not afford to buy a Cadillac. But when you walk, you eventually discover some interesting things. And indeed, there may be a lot of things that you may not see when you take a ride, besides, walking in the streets of the city saves you on fare or gas and burn some calories off.

There are so many things to discover when we are walking in the streets of the city.  I live in Manila and so many stories are there. Out of those many stories, there is just some that we want to share, and still, we fail to do so as we are strapped back to the so-called CLOSET. Yes. There are things to tell, and some of them kept boxed in the closet, stories that we are raring to share.

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